Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I have nothing clever to title this one.... ;)

"Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. You are to uproot some and to tear them down, to destroy and overthrow them. You are to build others up and plant them."
~Jeremiah 1: 10 (NLT)

This verse represented a time in my life when God was leading me into healing. Just like how the Israelites had to do a lot of work and warfare to possess the Promised Land, I had a season in my life where I needed to actively tear down strongholds that had blocked my path.

Let's break it down:

1.) "Today I appoint you"--For such a time as this--In God's perfect time--RIGHT NOW--not a moment too late--today. God is appointing me. Me! Meaning I am responsible, under His leadership, submitted to His will, to DO this job. I have some duty, obligation, participation, responsibility here. He has equipped me. Therefore, He must believe in me! For Him to have "appointed" me means a lot.

2.) "to stand up against nations and kingdoms"--This is a big deal, and a understandably scary thing, to confront these BIG adversaries. NATIONS and KINGDOMS don't just happen overnight. They're long-standing, powerful and have resources. Also notice the plural--these are nationS and kingdomS--There is more than one. Yet I am not really "afraid" because of what I learned back at #1. I believe in God and He believes in me! I just need to realize that my standing up against these nations and kingdoms will very likely (and has indeed) upset some people. Pointing out that elephant in the room has cause some very big messes on the carpet! :)

3.) "you are to uproot some and tear them down, to destroy and overthrow them."--This part isn't about PEOPLE. I must remember to be gentle with people in my life with whom I am in the process of forgiving. Judgement belongs to the LORD. What I need to uproot/tear down/destroy/overthrow are satan's lies, those vows of self-protection, the feeling of hopelessness, changelessness, etc. These words: uproot, tear down, destroy, overthrow--are all very STRONG, active, powerful--even aggressive?--words. Is God saying, "GO AFTER IT!"?? I do see an utter completeness to it--a finality. These are words with very PERMANENT consequences. If you destroy something, that's it. So, therefore, according to God--His plan, His word--as I am attempting to understand it--it seems to me that He is saying that change IS possible! He's telling me to do it, after all!

4.) "you are to build others up and plant them."--(This was for sure new territory for me since I'd just begun to realize that change is even possible in the first place.) So here we are with this "empty lot", so to speak and we're supposed to somehow establish NEW nations and kingdoms here. Remember that God, not us, is in charge here! We're just "appointed" by Him--He's the REAL Boss! :)

Let's look at "building up"--that's a process for sure! One thing at at a time, all laid on a sure foundation--Jesus, the TRUTH. It's intricate, detailed work--get the proper permits first! Don't run ahead of the Shepherd--the "building inspector"! I wonder, could this "building up" also mean that encouraging and nurturing the "nations and kingdoms" that are already in place? See how in #3 we were called to uproot only "some", not all. Because not all of what makes us up, all of our past, is bad. It does need to be first recognized, then fostered, developed and deployed. Remember so much of what God puts into us, a sense of Justice and Boldness, is an expression of his very character.

Let's look at the planting part--it's another process! It takes TIME. There is a season of just plain old preparation--preparing the soil. Clearing thorns and boulders. Don't waste seed on unprepared ground!--that's in the Bible somewhere....I just can't recall where...And then you need to WAIT for that seed to grow. Nurture and protect the growing process. And it takes some maintenance too. And rest. Just sitting there, soaking up the sun and rain. And remember to pull out the inevitable weeds.

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." Zechariah 4:10 (NLT)

"...plow up the hard ground of your hearts! Do not waste your good seed among thorns. Cleanse your minds and hearts before the Lord..." ~Jeremiah 4:3-4 (NLT)

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