Thursday, September 30, 2010


Is this normal?

Or is it just common?

There's a difference, I've realized.

It has just been one of those days.

One of those rush, rush, rush days.

One of those survive it with a smile and you get a prize at the end days!

I had a test in patience today.

And I believe I earned a failing grade.

I'm dreading the make-up test.

I have heard that patience is not the ability to wait, but it's your attitude while waiting.

My attitude was not good. Not good at all.

I had very little mercy going on in my brain.

Outside, smile.


And it was so not good.

Oh how I need more work!

I need to be cleaned out again.


From the inside out.

Mercy. Mercy. Mercy.

Because even if I smile on the outside, if there's that much ugly on the inside, it's gonna wiggle itself out at some point, somewhere, and really is just evidence of my need to grow up.

It's not all about me.

That person on the phone really does have a life outside of making me happy.

And they probably have a really good story to tell too.

A journey mixed with love and stress and a family and dreams and some pain too.

One good thing: Today God helped me choke out a prayer for someone I really don't like.

It's true.

I didn't want to pray for that person.

That person annoys me.

(Mercy issue again.

The lesson du jour!)

But alas, I really did offer up a heartfelt prayer for that person. That whatever they needed in life, God would help them fill it.

And so it goes.

A little bit backward, a little bit forward....

P.S. Guys, if you are reading this, out there somewhere in the great beyond, I would really love to hear from you! A person gets kinda lonely putting this out there and just hearing crickets. So please chime in! I wonder if any one's reading this at all. If not, that's okay because it's really more an exercise for my own development and faithfulness. But if someone somewhere is getting anything out of this, that sure would be encouraging. I saw we have someone reading from Canada and from South Africa! How cool is that!? Wonderful! Blessings to you all.



  1. ah yes Mercy!!! I need lots of that. Thank you for posting this:) We all have areas to grow up in:) But just recognizing it is huge:) Keep truckin!

  2. Chirp, chirp...this little cricket jumps everytime I see a new writing...Love this one...praying for someone that you don't want to pray for is an action in obediance. Love it...
