Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Reality

At a recent family dinner, the topic of the upcoming royal wedding came up. The general opinion of a few at the table was, why do people get so excited about this wedding that has nothing to do with us? Why, as Americans, do we even care? What was the big deal after all? And then what really amused me was that some of those with that opinion then offered equally strong opinions about the fact that the royal couple would not be kissing at the end of the wedding ceremony. "That's just wrong!", one person exclaimed. Well, I thought, if you don't care about the wedding why would you care about weather or not they kiss? It is funny how we feel the need to offer our opinions about things that we claim to not care about. I for one, have a different feeling about the wedding. I am actually looking forward to it, grateful for a view into a world completely unlike my daily reality and yet, at the same time, reflecting a very real facet of who I am, who I believe we all are, deep down inside.

Why would the wedding of two people we've never met be such a big deal? What is the fascination? For me, it is this: In this day and age, it is refreshing to behold that there is still nobility in this world. That there are still kings and queens and princes and princesses. And it is not just the literal Royalty I am talking about. It is something special in the heart of the human experience. Set apart. This is not just represented in a certain royal family, but it echos from the lives of every man, woman and child. Every one of us has an influence and a reign. We may not be walking our lives on a world stage, but we purpose our lives with the imprint of our Father, our Maker, The King of Kings.

If our Father is King, then what does that make us?

What makes us special? Why do we celebrate weddings and birthdays and graduations along the way? Why are little girls talked about as princesses and little boys as princes? What is it in the heart of common man that gives us our meaning, our significance, and orchestrates our destiny? I believe it is our innate, God-given, royal identity.

So for that reason, I look forward to this wedding. It matters to me because it is beautiful and special and significant when two people join their hearts in marriage. I wish the couple well, a life full of blessings, the joy of hard work, and a lifetime of happy memories.

I pray that for all of us.

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