"While Thee I seek protecting Power,
Be my vain wishes stilled;
and may this consecrated hour
with better hopes be filled."
Helen Marie Williams (1762-1827)
I couldn't have said it better. I had wishes, hopes, ideas, even preferences on how the weekend would or should go. I had past experiences to draw from and some expectations on how this new experience would play out based on the past. However, I really just wanted what God wanted. I wanted to learn to yield my agenda to God's because I truly do know that He has our very best interests in mind. And He sure met me in some funny ways on that note.
He knocked some of my "usuals" right out from under me. Some of them were silly preferences, like the color of my folder. Some of them deeper heart issues, like pride. I learned that it really isn't all about me! (Shocking!) And during prayer ministry time one evening, I just sat on the front row, with my eyes and mouth closed and my ears open for once. And I just sat and listened to the voices murmuring and swirling around me in prayer. Kinda-sorta-but-not-really eavesdropping, I heard not enough to make out any one's private business, but just bits and pieces of their communion with God, utterances and praises, and sweet communication with their Lord and King. It was such a beautiful sound. And while I sat there I marveled at how God can hear all of them at once and give each one of us personalized attention. So it's not really about me, but sometimes he touches the "me" in the "we".
After a quiet time of listening, I flipped through the pages of my off-colored folder to take a look at the Scriptures that our speaker had collected for us. I underlined and circled all the key phrases and words that seemed to jump off the page right into my heart, notes from God on what he wanted me to glean from this retreat. I also jotted down some of the beautiful words I heard spoken from the ladies praying around me and added some phrases from our speaker as well. The following is what came of it. I call it "Snippets".
Living out your love
God gives us knowledge of the Holy
Let us keep in step with the Spirit
Set your minds on things above, not earthly things
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus
not envious
not proud
not self-seeking
not easily angered
rejoicing with the truth
never failing
Devoted in brotherly love
Honoring one another above ourselves
Living in harmony with one another
Not conceited
Not proud
A soft heart
A new mind
A joyful almost secret desire.
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