Friday, September 10, 2010

Daytime Drama!

"But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hands..." ~Psalm 31:14,15 (NIV)

"meditate on it day and night....better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere...proclaim His salvation day after day...this is the day the Lord has made...give us each day our daily bread...we are being renewed day by day...with the Lord a day is like a thousand years...all the days of my life...the length of our days is seventy years...I will pour out my Spirit in those the last days..." ~All different places in Scripture--look 'em up! ;)

I'm on calendar overload right now. I have three that I'm trying to juggle and it just doesn't work. It's pure silliness. Of course, if you wanna talk silliness and calendars, you could take a tour of my wonderful in-laws's home...I have never seeeeeen so many calendars. It's QUITE a collection! ;) We have enjoyed many good-natured jokes about the calendars they have. For example, just in one spare bedroom, I counted I think it was EIGHT calendars! I kid you not. And sometimes, they have calendars hanging on top of other calendars! They just collect them from here & there...different businesses mostly. I know for sure, that they'd better not forget what day it is or we're in trouble.

When shopping for a calendar, I have a very basic requirement: That I can't put too much on it. It must be a simple design, with one small square for each day. No hour-by-hour increments for me, no siree! No "day at a glance" or even "week at a glance" pages either--no, no...I wanna see the whole month in one shot. One glance to give me a sense of what I have gotten myself into. If too many days have stuff on them, I know I am heading out of my league.

It's not a matter of "having the time" to do something. We are all given the same 24 hours in a day to work with. Though I recently saw an exhibit on Einstein and he had studied how time is relative and that explains a lot! Like how Math class seemed to drag on FOREVER and how chats with girlfriends can take hours and yet seem like minutes. But I digress. It's just how do I want to invest my time? You know the saying, you can waste your time, spend your time or you can invest your time. And by the way, I am so grateful for God's example in taking a day of rest. Of course, He himself did not need to put his feet up on that seventh day...but He did it to model it for us. To teach us that we are not machines. To learn to trust Him enough that we can relax and just BE.

As I was writing this, I received a phone call from my daughter's teacher. My daughter needed something pretty urgently and I told the teacher that I was just five minutes away and would be right there. And that really was no exaggeration. We are very close to the school. So I arrive quickly with the required items and my sweet, young daughter was in no distress, but informed me that I did not take just five minutes, that it was much more than five minutes because she counted to five and I still wasn't there yet. :) Time is relative, indeed! And something about having the faith of a little child comes to mind....she knew I would be there for her, that Mommy could be counted on. I just wasn't doing it at the speed that she would have preferred.

And isn't that how it is with us & God sometimes? We know He's good. We know He loves us. (The Bible tells us so, after all!) We know He's a God of Justice. And so many times, we are so impatient with Him! Hmmm....something to think on........when you have some time, that is!



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